As CPAs, perhaps more than any other financial professionals, we see the rapid changes in our industry. Services are commoditized and automated, leading clients to expect faster and more comprehensive advice. Our CPA Firm Partner Program was created by an accounting firm, for accounting firms, and leans into the changing times by leveraging them to the CPA's advantage.
Providing For Your Clients Efficiently and Profitably
We are leading industry change by consolidating lawyers, CPAs, financial advisors, and insurance professionals into one cohesive client experience. Heritage aligns with independently owned CPA firms throughout the United States to immediately turn their businesses into multifaceted, multidisciplinary firms.
Within weeks of partnering with Heritage, we will supplement your practice and provide you with numerous additional sources of revenue and a far more robust service offering. You will gain access to our systems, processes, and software all designed to maximize the family office experience.
While you maintain absolute control over your CPA firm, your wealth management, legal, and insurance divisions will be powered by Heritage. We do the heavy lifting in order to allow you to focus on what you do best.
A partnership with Heritage will be career-changing
We establish joint venture agreements with CPA firms across the country. Our Heritage Family Office Directors will work inside your CPA firm to provide a Family Office experience to your clients. We take our CPA Partner Firms through an extensive training process, both when they initially join as a Partner Firm and on an ongoing basis. Through this process, we are able to turn the CPA’s single-discipline practice into a multi-disciplinary Family Office almost instantly. To incentivize the CPA Partner Firm to fully immerse into our program, we provide a revenue split on all compliant Family Office revenue generated, including Wealth Management Fees, Insurance Commissions, and most Advanced Planning fees.